After purchase, we will contact you to set up a meeting

199,00 €

Get a deeper understanding about what drives your money behavior in a private setting. Explore your actual money goals and adapt you spending, saving and investing accordingly. Plan for your future, for retirement or for your loved ones with one of our financial coaches.



Goal achieved!

22. January 2025

In less than a year having sessions with Zineb, I’ve achieved my goal for 2024, with planning and very interesting insights about my financial education. Now, let’s dive into 2025!

Claudia Manes

No Title

14. June 2024

Ich habe vor Kurzem ein Coaching bei Zineb Anspruch genommen und bin äußerst zufrieden damit. Während der gesamten Dauer wurde ich hervorragend betreut. Alle meine Fragen wurden umfassend beantwortet, und ich fühlte mich in meinen Sorgen und finanziellen Anliegen stets ernst genommen und verstanden. Besonders schätze ich die fundierten Antworten, die mir bei meinen finanziellen Fragen gegeben wurden.

Rückblickend wünschte ich, ich hätte dieses Coaching schon viel früher in Anspruch genommen. Dank des Coachings habe ich nun einen klaren Plan, wie und wann ich mein Geld verwalten kann. Mir wurden effektive Sparmethoden aufgezeigt, und ich habe gelernt, wie ich einen besseren Überblick über meine finanziellen Mittel behalten kann.

Insgesamt hat mir das Coaching geholfen, ein solides Fundament für meine finanzielle Zukunft zu legen, und ich kann es jedem nur wärmstens empfehlen.


Highly recommended

9. May 2024

We worked through my family finances – something I always wanted to avoid. The idea was painful, but actually doing it was much less daunting that I had anticipated. Zineb’s talent to focus on what is relevant, to prioritze and to follow through saved us and continues saving us a lot of money and mental pain. Highly recommend connecting with her if you want to develop financial health.


Taylored Guidance

4. September 2023

I had two very insightful sessions with Zina regarding management of my finances. She is very knowledgeable and thanks to her diverse professional background she managed to give me tailored guidance. Her calm, friendly but still professional style helped me to be open and frank about my financial goals. I would definitely recommend her for anyone who wants to get their finances sorted. Thank you so much Zina!


Einfach toll!

4. September 2023

Zineb Nouns hat uns sehr gut angeleitet und ist gut auf unsere speziellen Gegebenheiten eingegangen. Wir konnten alle Fragen stellen und wenn sie in seltenen Fällen mal nicht sofort die Antwort wusste, dann kam kurz darauf ein hilfreicher Hinweis, wo wir die Infos finden können!

Vielen Dank für das tolle Coaching!

Katrin und Anna


31. May 2023

The coaching was wonderful! Zina’s knowledge is incredibly diverse. She can support every topic in every life situation (whether career, real estate, family, personal values, …) and contributes valuable input always with the overall context in mind, so that ultimately, through kind of aha effect, you come up with the necessary thought leaps yourself. Thus, you leave the coaching strengthened and with more clarity in your own thoughts.

Dear Zina, thank you very much!


Excellent insights and experience. Gave me the peace of mind to take the plunge!

11. April 2023

I worked with Zineb Nouns while I was contemplating buying my own apartment in Berlin. She analyzed the numbers, the data and my situation. Being completely overwhelmed by not only the decision making process but the process of buying in Germany altogether, she accompanied me through all the steps and was very knowledgeable.

It was empowering to know that I was making the right financial investment and that this would open the doors to more growth personally and financially. The coaching sessions were personal, she was beyond patient and through her own experiences she gave me the peace of mind to take the step!


Super Coaching

23. May 2022

Super Coaching, das ich uneingeschränkt empfehlen kann und werde 🙂 Ich habe erstmalig das Gefühl meine Altersvorsorge selbst in der Hand zu haben und nicht von Finanzdienstleistern/Versicherungsunternehmen abhängig zu sein. Vielen lieben Dank hierfür, liebe Zineb und liebes INTO-Team!

Sandra Ziegler

199,00 €

  • 60 mins
  • Online via Zoom / in person in Berlin, Germany
  • We will contact you to set up a meeting after purchase

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