This course empowers you to become your own financial advisor. We have a holistic behavioral approach and always address the three levels Mindset, Learning and Doing. This course provides you with the basics to answer all your questions regarding money yourself. You will also get tools, highly useful frameworks and resources to stay on top of your financial situation and always see the big picture clearly. After this course you will


  • understand your money mindset and how it fosters or hinders your financial well-being.
  • understand and learn how to manage your emotions related to money.
  • develop healthy money habits in earning, spending and saving based on your individual cash-flow patterns.
  • know your own sources of financial risk and how to counteract them.
  • understand how this applies to all financial situations, however tight or relaxed.
  • have an accountability partner or group to support you and keep you on track.


  • know how to create active AND passive income.
  • grasp the power of compounding.
  • always consider inflation and time.
  • know how to organize your monthly budget and spending.
  • know how to invest in Stocks and ETFs.


  •  set your financial goals. 
  • use a mock investment portfolio to find out how investing actually works and feels and to test new strategies.
  • can do your own financial planing and numbers crunching.
  • are able chose your investments.


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Danke für das Financial Enabling!!

12. July 2024

Falls du auch wie ich ein Mathe-Trauma hast, dich im Eigenstudium in Sachen Finanzen zwar weiterbilden versuchst, aber die Idee, dass du für Finanzen nicht schlau genug bist, so tief in dir drinnen ist, dass du es nicht schaffst, endlich zu handeln, bist du bei Zineb und INTO genau richtig.

Wir haben als kleine Gruppe von Kita-Mamas bei Zineb angefragt, ob sie uns im Rahmen eines 4h-Workshops, das Investieren in ETFs beibringen kann. Obwohl dieser Kurs bis dahin nicht im INTO-Angebot war, hat Zineb für uns das Unmögliche möglich gemacht und uns in 4h alle nötigen Skills und Tools beigebracht, um mit unseren ETF-Investments zu starten.

Liebe Zineb, vielen Dank für deine Arbeit und diese Community!!! Seit ich INTO gefunden habe, fühle ich mich endlich handlungsfähig und traue mich in meine finanzielle Zukunft zu investieren.

Ich bin auch INTO-Mitglied geworden und werde als nächstes den Financial Empowerment-Kurs machen.


Lehrreich und ermutigend

4. July 2024

Also, so ein komplexes Thema in 4h zu verpacken, ist ja schonmal eine Kunst für sich… es wurde ein guter Bogen geschlagen von der Psychologie und dem, was jeder individuell mit Geld und Sparen verbindet hin zu Wissensvermittlung rund um ETF zu: was brauche ich denn eigentlich ganz konkret an Investition um für die Zukunft vorzusorgen. Vielen lieben Dank an Zineb, die sich auch durch ein Bombardement mit Fragen nicht aus der Ruhe bringen ließ!!!

Eine Anmerkung noch: wer konkrete: “Nutz diese Bank und kaufe diesen ETF”-Ratschläge erwartet, hat nicht verstanden, worum es geht. Nämlich selbst informierte Entscheidungen zu treffen!

Christiane Baumann

Detailed and easy to understand

14. November 2022

As somebody who knew practically nothing about finance, I felt like I learned a lot during this course. Zina made sure every point was easy to follow and was always determined to discuss different ideas. I highly recommend this course to anybody who is interested in investing, especially if they find it intimidating or are unsure where to start.

Tyler Roy


19. October 2022

This is an awesome program that not only covers the fundamental lessons of managing money, but also provides exposure to all the different avenues to do so (considering personality and bias).

Dana S.

An excellent introduction

20. July 2022

I learnt so much during this 8 hour course and nothing was too silly or obvious to ask. I feel a lot more confident about how to approach my finances, both from a logistical and emotional point of view and it’s not quite as scary as it seemed before! Zina was engaging and informative whilst always being approachable.


Wärmstens empfohlen

13. March 2022

Ich kann INTO’s financial empowerment Kurs wärmstens empfehlen. Besonders gefallen hat mir, dass neben fundamentalen Konzepten und praktischen Beispielen auch stark auf das eigene Verhältnis zu Geld eingegangen wurde. Das Reflektieren über Fragen wie “was bedeutet mir Geld und woher kommt diese Einstellung”, haben mir dabei geholfen meine finanziellen Ziele zu hinterfragen und anschliessend klarer zu formulieren. Das INTO-Team ist ebenfalls klasse!

Janosz, Associated Consultant bei Kearney

Empowering & transformative

13. March 2022

INTO’s course on financial empowerment has truly been transformative for my attitude towards money and finances. I have learned both technical tools and mindsets which will help me tremendously going forward – not just to invest better, but frankly to make better life decisions. I had never thought that I could be “financially free” within 10-20 years if I just started thinking a bit more systematically. Our society is as educated as it has ever been, but these essentials were something I had been missing. I am 26 now and wish I had taken the course earlier, I highly recommend it to everyone out there, young and old.

Sven, MIT Mathematics post-doc


13. March 2022

Understanding the principles of investing and behaviours that influence our financial decisions is one of those critical life skills that often gets missed. This course is as important for those with a little as well as a lot to invest. It is excellent at demystifying important fundamentals and is full of practical advice and useful tools. The small number of participants means the course is personalised and engaging and most importantly it has really helped shape my approach to reaching my financial goals.

Amanda, Partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers

Instructive, Practical & Inspiring

9. January 2022

This course has been the catalyst for improving and restructuring the way I dealt with my finances. This course has been a true eye opener allowing me to not only better manage my money but also learn about the world of investment. Not only are you given the knowledge by top professionals but you are also learning, practicing and engaging with people in a fun and enriching setting! Highly recommended.

Joanna Chatila


20. December 2021

Absolutely loved this course. Combines the perfect balance of theoretical and practical knowledge. I am (usually) conservative about money and this course pushed me to invest and taught me how to do that. Now more than a year later, my returns have exceeded 40%. Highly recommended!

Ahmad Sharaf Aldine

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