Das ist dein Kurs, wenn du die Grundlagen von Kryptowährungen, Blockchain Technologie und deren Anwendungen verstehen möchtest. Von smart contracts zu NFTs, von decentralized finance zu Web3. Mit unserem ganzheitlichen Ansatz adressieren wir immer die drei Aspekte Mindset, Lernen und Machen. In diesem Kurs wirst du
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Since years I‘ve been interested in crypto currency and the whole block chain universe, but it seemed so remote and hard to understand. After I took part in this very entertaining and enriching course, my understanding and my mindset changed with the knowledge I have now, thanks to „Into“! Now I downloaded the Crypto app and started investing in the future…
For years, I have been thinking I need to get an understanding for Cryptocurrency. I am so glad I took the leap with this course! Now I understand so much about the field – not just the basics (which is what I really hoped to get) but also how to step into the space myself as an asset owner (which is what I didn’t expect I would decide to do) as well as what it means for the world around me now and into the future (including many specific and important areas of my life impacted without me realizing it). I needed this interactive course to hold me accountable to finally learning about this topic as well as the space to ask all the questions I had been accumulating over the past decade and had no one to ask! Thank you – this was a really great experience!
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until 31st October 2024